Over 70% of server failures can be traced to improper or neglected cleaning. Dust you can see and the particulates you can’t, build up and collect on surfaces causing a multitude of problems. Whether it’s the surface of your computer cable access flooring or the chases below. The exterior of your hardware, above the tiles of your drop in ceiling, or any other sensitive area you need cleaned we are the solution.

While the proper cleaning techniques and equipment are extremely important, our technicians and their attention to detail and careful care around your highly sensitive equipment set us apart. We do not sub-contract any work and only use our highly vetted, trained, and experienced employees. All employees at Smithson Solutions are subject to a rigorous bi-annual background check and security inquest to ensure that our clients are not compromised in any way.
Please call or email us for details on our one time service or our annual maintenance agreement. We service both large and small businesses.
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Hours Of Operation
2474 Route 302
Middletown, NY 10941